427 The Day The Bars Went Socially Distant

427 The Day The Bars Went Socially Distant

In strange times we do what we can to feel normal and keep moving forward. The Ladies of the lounge and Sunshine got together in the Zen Tiki Lounge for what may be our last fully hosted podcast for some time. Sunshine asked who was available for the show and was surprised that everyone and their husbands wanted to come over for drinks before we are all asked to stay home.

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111 Everyone wants Tiki for Xmas

Aloha and Merry Christmas.  Thats the general theme of our show this week, our last podcast before we sail on past the busiest holiday of the year and set course for the new year.  Both Sunshine and Pumpkin share some thoughts on great things you can do or buy for that special someone.  But, most importantly we have finally launched the Zen Tiki Store.  Need exotica for your music collection?  We got it.   Maybe some good reading about your favorite subject, RUM.  We have the covered also.  Bar trinkets, mugs, party goods etc.  Check out the store and shop knowing that each purchase helps us get that much closer to the tiki bar of our dreams and an upgraded podcast for all of you.  We also discuss the usual rant and rave about sex changes, old people spraying fox urine on children, the new Trader Vic's in Chicago, custody battles for kitties and so much more.  The cocktail this week was a bit on the fierce side and Pumpkin got a little loopy.  So much the better.  Listen, drink, enjoy. Drink of the week: Glogg

Mix 1 part Glogg(found in specialty food stores, its a Scandanavian holiday beverage mix) with 1 part water.  2oz Glogg with 2oz water works well.  Heat mixture, but do not boil.  Pour into Irish coffee mug and add 1oz Rum or Vodka.  Makes a great holiday treat.

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