102 Dr. Chao's panda juice

Theres nothing better than a show just coming together. Although the first few minutes were a bit difficult due to the unpredictable nature of a certain someones canine, it all worked out. Pumpkin had her pooch Charles join us this week and he certainly didn't mind making plenty of noise. For some reason he wasn't too keen on the cocktail. We tried a pomegranate lemonade type concoction that is sure to please anyone who isn't looking for a complicated beverage. Sweet and tart and still packed with plenty o' booze. Speaking of drinks, Sunshine tells the listeners about a new iPhone application call "Drinks." This handy little app has over 4500 recipes and you can add your own, perfect for the bartender in all of us. We also discuss the Red Cross current ban on gay blood, the unexpected electrical usage of your wall air freshener and plenty of other shenanigans. 

Click HERE to see the High Fructose Corn Syrup commercials, you won't believe the LIES!!!.

Drink of the Week Koro's Heart 3oz Pineapple juice (not from concentrate) .5oz fresh lemon juice 1oz pomegranate schnapps .5oz pomegranate syrup (we recommend Monin) Be sure to chill the glasses first, the frost really makes this drink a winner. Toss everything in a shaker with ice cubes, not crushed ice. Shake for just a moment and pour into chilled glasses filled with ice. Garnish with a single lemon wheel.