Sunshine's Very Spicy Rum

Sunshine's Very Spicy Rum

Sunshine Tiki often talks about his Very Spicy Rum when the holidays roll around each year.  But this versatile home infused gold rum can be used in a good number of cocktails and baked goods all year long.  With nothing more than an average gold rum, fresh spices and a little time.  Follow our simple step by step video and impress your friends with your homemade spicy devil water.

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Iced Lava Java

Iced Lava Java

Once upon a time, every good tiki bar had a coffee rum drink menu.  At least 3 or more decent after dinner drinks that helped you "sober" before going home.  We may no longer be under the delusion that drinking coffee will help you get ready to operate a motor vehicle, but we certainly subscribe to the train of thought that our stimulants and depressants should be mixed together.  Try Iced Lava Java on your next warm morning.  

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